An easier design for phone users. Sometimes it is difficult to navigate the site on phone.
Previews for each of the clips packs. A short good preview (circa 1 minute with highlights) video definitely sell a pack or video really nicely, and is important especially for candid videos or footplay etc, so people know what they're paying for. A longer description also helps out so as a buyer, we can understand what we are paying for.
The option to individually purchase clips or packs. The subscriptions are difficult to manage, especially for those who are subscribed to many other pages or services. The individual sale of candid clips, photo packs etc. would mean that more sales could happen as customers can pick and choose what they want to buy.
Competitive pricing. Tying in with the last point, a more competitive price would encourage more people to purchase. There are some great foot content sellers and candid creators that have really good pricing for great clips. Bringing in the pricing more in line with the market would definitely attract more customers.
A reference for some of the points above would be the Cocoa Industries site. They have fantatsic candid clips that are lengthy, well filmed and very reasonably priced, based on the length of the video and action happening. Cocoa Industries also has a patreon where additional content, raw cuts, early releases and perks are uploaded which could definitely be implemented here and where a subscription could be added for those.
All the best and looking forward to seeing more great content on the site!
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